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28.02.202316:02 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Monthly analysis on Oil price for February 2023.

Exchange Rates 28.02.2023 analysis

Black lines- triangle pattern

Oil price is trading around $77.50 at the last trading day of February. Price has made no real progress over the last 15 weeks. Price is trapped inside a trading range between $80 and $70. Near term trend is neutral with no clear direction. Price has formed a triangle pattern over the last 13 weeks. The upper triangle boundary is resistance at $80.70 and the lower triangle boundary provides support at $73.50.

Exchange Rates 28.02.2023 analysis

Yellow rectangle- support area

Over the last 4 months the candlestick pattern shows long lower tails. Such candlestick pattern is seen near the lows or the end of a trend. Oil price candlesticks confirm the importance of support around $70. Failure to hold above this level on a weekly and monthly basis would be a bearish sign.

*La presente analisi del mercato ha un carattere esclusivamente informativo e non rappresenta una guida per l`effettuazione di una transazione.

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