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24.09.201809:12 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading plan 24.09.2018

Revisione a lungo termine

Trading plan 24.09.2018

Overall picture: week of important news.

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve's decision on rates - we expect an increase of +0.25%, but most importantly - the text of statement of the Fed.

On Monday, new US duties against China come into effect for $200 billion - and probably, China's retaliatory tariffs of $60 billion against the USA.

On Thursday, orders for durable goods, U.S., on Friday, the inflation PCE

The pound had a sharp decline on Friday due to strong disagreements between Britain and the EU on the plan of relations after Brexit - the pound is likely to range.

Lb: buy in the breakout of 1.3300.

Alternative: sell from 1.2790.

Exchange Rates 24.09.2018 analysis

*La presente analisi del mercato ha un carattere esclusivamente informativo e non rappresenta una guida per l`effettuazione di una transazione.

Jozef Kovach,
Analytical expert of InstaSpot
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