
WebTrader online trading platform

WebTrader trading platform

WebTrader is a unique product by InstaSpot that enables its users to trade in the forex, CFD, and futures markets in a web browser. This version has a complete function kit and tool suite characteristic of desktop versions. All trading instruments and account types are available on this web platform.

Three interfaces

The Classic
The Classic
Interface displays a list of instruments and shows the trend direction, price changes, and trader’s positions sorted by these parameters.
The Dashboard
The Dashboard
Interface includes tick charts that allow users to monitor price changes of 12 and more trading instruments simultaneously.
The Chart
The Chart
Interface displays charts of instruments, as well as tick charts, traders’ positions, and other tools.

Advantages of WebTrader

Trading online

Access to all account types

Several work interfaces

Balance charts for trade analysis

A wide range of trading instruments

Latest market news and analysis

WebTrader by InstaSpot combines the latest trading developments. Apart from convenient trading with a variety of options, users can also track the latest news, analytical comments, and quote changes in an online mode.

InstaSpot clients can manually adjust the list of the most traded instruments and set them in a particular order. All three WebTrader interface modes can be customized. To keep abreast of your trading results, you can make use of balance & equity and profit charts.

See also

InstaBinary is a platform for binary options trading

InstaBinary provides an opportunity to make deals with the help of large-scale clear charts and web solutions created especially for binary options trading.

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