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07.07.202307:32 Форекс анализи и прегледи: Fundamental analysis of the 10 year - the 2 year Treasury yield for July 7, 2023

Exchange Rates 07.07.2023 analysis

One of the best indicators for a coming recession is when the yield curve between the 10-year and the 2-year US Treasury yields inverts. Subtracting the 2-year yield from the 10-year yield should stay well above 0, but when the economy is heading towards hard times, we see an inversion and the curve dropping below 0. Looking at the chart above, we can see the largest inversion since the late 1980's indicating that a recession is stirring us in the eyes. This indicator is not a timing tool, but it has been a very reliable barometer for recession periods and we don't see anything on the horizon that could avert a recession coming.

Recessions are never good for the equity markets and we should be prepared that the coming months/years will not bring the best of times for the equity markets and the economy.

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